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Ace Education 2022 Admissions Report

~ Your efforts will ultimately lead to a better version of yourself ~

Congratulations Class of 2022 admitted Students

Our students at Ace Education once again achieved excellent results in the 2022 admissions. In the early application stage, a total of 14 students received admission notices from 15 top schools. During the regular admission period, 11 more students received 20 admission notices from prestigious schools. Warm congratulations to all students who have received admission notices from their favorite universities. Thank you to the students’ families for their trust and support in our prestigious university admissions counseling program. We wish our students all the best in their studies at university!

2022 EA/ED Admitted Students

2022 Regular Admitted Students

As in previous years, Ace Education and New World Education Center held our annual public welfare lecture on university admission case analysis on April 22. Dr. Sun Yong, director and tutor at Ace Education’s prestigious college admission counseling program, introduced key cases in our school’s application season in 2022 to the nearly 300 students and parents present.

01. Top University Admissions Criteria

In this lecture, Dr. Sun Yong emphasized that in the process of university application, students should fully understand the preferences of different universities for certain types of students and curate targeted applications for each school. This year’s application case focuses on analyzing the application characteristics of Yale University. He said that admission to American universities is not a simple process of meeting standards, and top schools select the best from the best. Teacher Sun divided the selection criteria for top schools into four major categories.

In-school studies and Standardized Test scores

First and foremost, students aim for excellent in-school performance and standard test scores. Having an outstanding high school transcript should not be a mere pursuit of a high GPA or a comparison of how many AP courses one has taken. Students should challenge themselves within the scope of courses offered by their high school and maintain excellent grades over their four years, meeting the requirements for admission to top-tier colleges. Overemphasizing extracurricular AP courses or being unwilling to push one’s boundaries and sticking to a comfort zone in course selection are both erroneous approaches that do not make one an attractive candidate for top-tier colleges.

While SAT/ACT standardized tests are currently optional, for Chinese-American students applying to top-tier colleges, strong standardized test scores remain a must. According to College Board’s statistics, millions of students worldwide still took the SAT exam during the pandemic, and this trend remained evident in the graduating class of 2022. SAT scores can demonstrate a student’s high school academic achievements and even showcase strengths beyond what high school transcripts reveal. Relatively speaking, colleges are more lenient when it comes to whether arts-oriented or adversity-affected students choose to submit SAT scores.

Here, we want to remind students that high SAT/ACT scores are unlikely to convince college admissions committees to disregard an ordinary high school transcript. In fact, admissions committees will evaluate whether students have good study habits, strong learning capabilities, a willingness to face challenges, and an ability to overcome them based on their high school transcripts from the first three years. With the removal of SAT subject tests, outstanding AP exam scores by students have become crucial in how colleges assess students. This convinces admissions committees that students can successfully complete their college studies over the next four years.

Extracurricular Activities

Next is for students to selectively take courses in areas they are genuinely interested in and focus on them, while also gaining growth through participation in relevant extracurricular activities. Here, we emphasize once again that more extracurricular activities do not necessarily equate to better outcomes, nor is it about being broadly engaged in everything. Extracurricular activities should be conducted based on the following principles:

  1. Students should actively participate in both on-campus and off-campus activities in areas they are genuinely interested in, and they should strive for depth and excellence.

  2. In the process of engaging in extracurricular activities, students should develop a sense of responsibility and a sense of purpose.

  3. Through extracurricular activities, students should experience personal growth, enhance their communication skills, and gradually become young individuals of outstanding character.

Teacher Recommendation Letters

At the same time, strong teacher recommendation letters are also a key factor in a successful college application. Without compelling teacher recommendation letters, the chances of gaining admission to top-tier colleges are very slim. Just slightly higher or lower GPA, school ranking, or SAT scores beyond the basic admission standards for top-tier colleges won’t leave a lasting impression on admissions officers. However, a powerful teacher recommendation letter can highlight a student’s character, passion for their field, and their ability to execute tasks, showcasing their unique qualities and convincing admissions officers that the student is the kind of talent the school desires. As a result, we often see students from schools with lower rankings or those with slightly imperfect academic records succeeding in their applications and gaining admission to top-tier colleges.

Therefore, we recommend that students actively participate in school activities, show interest in class affairs, care about their classmates, and engage in meaningful conversations with teachers about their learning experiences. When faced with challenges or difficulties, actively seek help from teachers and classmates. Be a steadfast leader when the group needs you, and when other students take the lead, offer genuine support and assistance to help them accomplish their tasks. As long as your actions are sincere, teachers will notice and appreciate it, and they will genuinely recommend students and write heartfelt recommendation letters.

A Perfect Application

Finally, highlighting a student’s outstanding qualities in the application essay is the last and most crucial step in the application process. Our guidance counselor, Dr. Yong Sun, has been involved in college admissions counseling for 20 years and has unique insights into application essay writing. His guidance to students in crafting application essays is to keep them simple, genuine, and profound. Throughout the application guidance process, Dr. Sun comprehensively understands the student, collaborates with parents, identifies a unique theme that belongs to the applicant, and crafts an application essay that showcases the student’s personality and talent. The aim is to submit an application that both the student and parents are satisfied with and that leaves a lasting and favorable impression on admissions officers. This ultimately allows the student to stand out among numerous applicants and secure an acceptance letter from their dream school.

Many high-achieving students often fail to optimize their presentations in the application process due to a lack of comprehensive understanding of the application techniques. They may not create a distinctive, clearly themed, and memorable application. Furthermore, some students struggle to objectively assess their high school growth experiences and focus only on the aspects they wish to present, leading to application failures.

The application process with Dr. Sun is also a journey of personal growth, transformation, and self-discovery for students. Many parents have expressed that students not only improve their writing skills during the application process but also gain a better understanding of themselves, achieve personal growth, and enhance parent-child relationships, leading to significant and valuable gains.

02. Student & Parent Testimonials

"I truly thank and appreciate Mr. Sun for everything done for my application. I have learned so much about the admissions process. Mr. Sun helped me decisively figure out my passion, craft one of the best essays I have written, and so much more. Getting into Cornell has really felt like a dream for the first few days after receiving the notification, and I am amazed at how far I can go with Mr. Sun’s guidance. Looking back a year, to get into Ivy League school seems to be a thing far away from me. More importantly, through the application essay writing process, I learned many things from Mr. Sun, to recognize the value of small actions, the good human stories about good people around us: to strive to be more kind, more charitable, and thoughtful as the person. Thank you, Mr. Sun!"
申请学校对孩子和家长从某种意义上就象是一种折磨,特别是对一些对申请过程不大了解的家庭,焦虑和期待混在一起,就算家长想帮忙也是心有余力不足。孙老师经验丰富,熟知各校的招生的理念特点,根据各校的特点指导学生申请,循循善诱,有孙老师的专业细心指导让孩子少走了很多弯路,最终进了自己理想中的学校,由衷的感谢孙老师对学生的不余遗力的指导和辛苦付出! Applying to schools can be a kind of torment for both children and parents in a certain sense, especially for families who are not very familiar with the application process. Anxiety and anticipation are mixed together, and even if parents want to help, they often find themselves somewhat inadequate. With her rich experience, Ms. Sun is well-acquainted with the admission philosophies and characteristics of various schools. She guides students in their applications with great care and patience, and her professional guidance has saved many students from taking unnecessary detours. In the end, they are able to get into the schools of their dreams. We sincerely thank Ms. Sun for her wholehearted guidance and hard work in helping our students!
DW, Mother

03. Our Coaching Philosophy

Dr. Sun’s guiding philosophy is to focus on the essentials, eliminate unnecessary details, simplify complexity, emphasize key points, and strive to bring out the true essence of students. There is no room for false packaging in Dr. Sun’s guidance, which is a key factor in his highly successful application process. Our prestigious college admission counseling program not only helps high-achieving students with outstanding academic and extracurricular performance gain admission to top American universities but also assists many students with less-than-perfect GPA and SAT scores in realizing their dream of getting into prestigious institutions.

Following the guiding principle of coaching students from “low, medium, high” in terms of their academic performance to “medium, high, top” in terms of application results, we aim to help high-achieving students gain admission to top-tier universities while also enabling students with less-than-perfect academic records to reach their highest potential. This way, students of all performance levels can achieve their goal of entering their ideal universities.


Another significant feature of the admissions in 2022 is the special consideration given to applicants from low-income families, disadvantaged students with extra points, and first-generation college students. Their in-school performance and standardized test scores are looked at with a more lenient perspective. All top universities are increasing their intake of such students, providing them with significant advantages. Top-tier universities generally have more generous financial resources and offer substantial financial aid. This year, under the guidance of Dr. Sun, several of our students applied to top universities and also received nearly full scholarships. Therefore, we recommend that families actively take advantage of these favorable conditions and encourage and support students in their schoolwork, active preparation for the SAT and AP exams, and achieving good academic and standardized test scores, to prepare adequately for future applications to top universities. Our college admission counseling program will also assist families in financial planning for those in need, maximizing their chances of obtaining scholarships.

Conversely, the expansion of admissions for low-income families and disadvantaged students makes the admissions process more challenging for ordinary middle-class families, leading to intensified competition. Many families have realized the necessity of early planning and the guidance of professionals.

The Ace Education College Consulting Program is tailored to each student’s unique interests, hobbies, and family background. It is individualized, catering to the specific needs and talents of each student. We strive for open and thorough communication with parents and students, respecting their ultimate choices. We provide high-quality one-on-one personalized guidance services for college admissions.

Dr. Sun Yong, the Program Director and lead counselor, possesses a deep understanding of the admission rules of various prestigious American universities and is well-versed in their program offerings and admission criteria. With extensive practical experience, he is known for his meticulous and responsible approach to guiding students, achieving significant results. Dr. Sun excels at guiding students by designing early educational plans and application strategies that align with their chosen majors and the unique characteristics of their desired universities. Taking into account individual student profiles, family situations, school resources, and more, he guides students in participating in the most suitable and effective extracurricular and academic activities. This approach is geared toward enhancing problem-solving skills, fostering the discovery of each student’s unique potential, and ultimately helping numerous students gain admission to top American universities, earning widespread praise from both students and parents.

Ace Education is located in Hackensack, Bergen County, with spacious amenities of nearly 4,000 square feet. We have undergone recent renovations and boast a range of facilities, including multi-purpose classrooms, art rooms, music rooms, and regular classrooms. Our center offers standardized test preparation classes and a variety of courses, including English, math, foreign languages, computer science, art, music, dance, and baking. The center’s new teaching approach, highly qualified faculty, and comfortable learning environment make it the top choice for students and parents seeking extracurricular tutoring.

Ace Education has appointed Dr. Sun Yong, an education expert and senior college admission counselor, as the Program Director. He provides high-quality one-on-one college admission counseling services for students aspiring to enter top American universities.

The center hosts regular student concerts and invites education experts, outstanding student representatives, current university students, and professionals from various fields to hold educational seminars and workshops.

Ace Education is an official examination center designated by the Royal Academy of Music in the UK, offering instrument performance exams and music theory exams.

In collaboration with a professional financial planning team, Ace Education provides specialized assistance to student families in need of college scholarship application services.

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Call us at 201-585-0900