575 Main Street, Unit 1B

Hackensack, NJ 07601

📞 201-585-0900

✉️ info@aceedusa.com

The serious pandemic has increased everyone’s desire for good news. The 2020 college admission season arrived as scheduled, bringing a continuous stream of good news, and adding a ray of sunshine to everyone’s suppressed mood.

Let us offer warm congratulations to the students who have received admission notifications from their dream universities. And let’s share in their joy and success together!

Congratulations Class of 2020

This year, our students have been accepted to the following schools:

Princeton University2
Stanford University1
University of Chicago1
University of Pennsylvania2
Johns Hopkins University1
Cornell University2
Emory University2
UC Berkeley1
Carnegie Mellon University1
University of Michigan3
Georgia Tech1
University of Virginia2
Wellesley College  1 
University of Rochester1
Boston College1
Princeton University

The Ace Education Elite College Admissions Consulting program has once again achieved impressive results this year, continuing to support students in their dreams of attending top universities, earning unanimous praise from students and parents.

Many high-achieving students often fail to maximize their potential in the college application process due to a lack of comprehensive and profound understanding of application techniques. This failure to present a distinctive, well-defined, and memorable application can ultimately lead to application rejections.

Ace Education’s admission counseling program is tailored to students’ diverse interests, hobbies, and family backgrounds. It is individualized and personalized, aiming to provide the most thorough communication with parents and students while respecting the students’ and parents’ final choices. We offer high-quality one-on-one personalized guidance for college admission, helping students put their best foot forward in the application process.

Harvard University

Admission to top schools is exceptionally competitive, as students must stand out from an exceptionally talented pool of applicants, often facing odds of one in ten or even one in twenty. In such a fierce competition, even the slightest flaw in an application can lead to rejection, potentially wasting years of effort and hope for students and parents.

Our goal is to comprehensively understand our students, work in collaboration with parents, and identify a unique theme for each applicant. We aim to create application essays that showcase the student’s personality and leave a strong impression. We strive to submit applications that both students and parents are satisfied with, while also leaving a lasting positive impression on admissions officers, helping the students stand out from the multitude of applications and achieve success.

Two decades of experience have repeatedly shown that students’ unguided choices, and parents attempting self-reliance- are primary reasons for failed applications to elite universities. Many highly accomplished students could have had the opportunity to enter their dream universities, but due to insufficient attention from students and parents during the application process, a lack of understanding of the admissions game rules at top schools, and the harsh nature of admissions at elite universities, or the absence of professional guidance, application weaknesses and deviations can lead to the loss of an excellent student’s chance to study at a prestigious institution.


Dr. Sun Yong, the Program Director and lead counselor, possesses a deep understanding of the admission rules of various prestigious American universities and is well-versed in their program offerings and admission criteria. With extensive practical experience, he is known for his meticulous and responsible approach to guiding students, achieving significant results. Dr. Sun excels at guiding students by designing early educational plans and application strategies that align with their chosen majors and the unique characteristics of their desired universities. Taking into account individual student profiles, family situations, school resources, and more, he guides students in participating in the most suitable and effective extracurricular and academic activities. This approach is geared toward enhancing problem-solving skills, fostering the discovery of each student’s unique potential, and ultimately helping numerous students gain admission to top American universities, earning widespread praise from both students and parents.

Stanford University

The application process with Dr. Sun is also a journey of growth, transformation, and self-discovery for the students. Dr. Sun’s guiding philosophy is to focus on what’s essential, eliminate the unnecessary, simplify complexity, and emphasize the core aspects. He aims to bring out the true essence of the students and avoids any false packaging. This is a key factor in the success of Dr. Sun’s guidance in the application process. Our prestigious college admission counseling program not only helps academically outstanding students with exceptional achievements gain admission to top U.S. universities but also assists many students with less than perfect GPA and SAT scores in achieving their dreams of entering prestigious institutions.

Our guiding principle is to help students of all performance levels, from “low, medium, high” in terms of academic performance, to achieve “medium, high, and exceptional” results in their applications. We aim to assist high-achieving students in gaining admission to top-tier universities and, at the same time, help students with less-than-perfect academic records reach their highest potential. This way, students from various performance levels can achieve their goals and gain admission to their desired universities.

Mr. Sun is an experienced college counselor with a vast understanding of both sides of the college application process. Although he is great at many things, my favorite thing about Mr. Sun is his way of making a student comfortable with themselves and the process. Throughout these two years, he pushed me to achieve the very best that I can. He understands the college process intimately, giving me a great deal of guidance on possible topics when I was struggling with understanding which aspect of myself to depict in the essay. He also took the time to understand and work collaboratively with me, taking into consideration what I want out of college as well as what I needed to convey in certain essays. I’ve enjoyed his guidance and support.
University of Chicago
孙老师是一个非常有经验的升学指导。我感觉他的经验一方面来源于他19 年的升学指导经历, 另一方面更重要的是来源于他对于工作的热情和钻研。他对申请学校工作的理解是深刻而独到的。经历完我女儿的申请,反思各种信息和经验,我觉得验证了他独到理解的正确性。孙老师会花时间了解学生的情况。在写文书的过程中,孙老师给了我女儿很好的指导,提供了很多正确的方向性的指导。他成功和失败的经验都是非常宝贵的, 对日后指导学生申请学校是很有帮助的。为了你们孩子的成功,我推荐孙老师作为升学指导。 杰超教育学院名校升学辅导是一个有着很好服务的高质量的服务项目。他们能够鼓励孩子们实现最好的自己。我们非常享受和他们合作的过程。

Mr. Sun is an exceptionally experienced college admission counselor. I believe that his experience comes not only from his 19 years of guiding students but, more importantly, from his passion for and dedication to his work. His understanding of the college application process is profound and unique. Having gone through my daughter's application process and reflecting on the information and experiences, I feel that it has confirmed the accuracy of his unique insights. Mr. Sun takes the time to understand each student's individual situation. During the essay writing process, he provided my daughter with excellent guidance and offered many valuable directions. His experiences, both successful and unsuccessful, are incredibly valuable and will be very helpful in guiding students in future school applications. For the success of your children, I highly recommend Mr. Sun as a college admission counselor. Ace Education College's Prestigious College Admission Counseling is a high-quality service program with excellent support. They are capable of encouraging students to achieve their best. We have thoroughly enjoyed the process of working with them.
Parent Testimonial
NL Parent, Princeton University Class of 2024
To be honest, I was a little skeptical at first, but after brainstorming for hours on end and ending up with one mediocre common app essay, I turned to the help of Dr. Sun. To my surprise, At the end of an hour-long meeting, I had a fantastic idea and rough draft for an essay that would eventually get me into my top schools. Not many mentors would spend so much effort looking at every essay from common app to supplements, so I truly appreciate the fact that Dr. Sun made sure to take the time right from the beginning to perfect my essay method from brainstorming to final essay, weaving and editing details that made my best qualities shine through. By the end, I was writing and editing with ease and I believe Ace Education helped me submit the best application of which I was capable.
University of Pennsylvania
Our family approached Ace Education because of the obvious difficulties we were sure our daughter would face while going through the college application process. Any of our previous bouts however, were completely wiped away when we began working with Dr. Sun. Not only was he quick to quell any of our anxieties and concerns, but most importantly, he streamlined the application process for our daughter and fostered efficient communication whenever she had a question or concern. The team at Ace Education clearly understands the situations of the applicant, the parent, and the admissions office and is always ready to give an enlightening professional opinion.
Parent Testimonial

Dr. Sun Yong, an expert in college admission counseling with over a decade of valuable experience, a unique approach to applications, and a dedicated and responsible work ethic, has made the Ace Education College’s Elite College Admission Counseling Program stand out and gain widespread recognition. We aim to deeply uncover the exceptional potential of every child, taking into account the specific circumstances of each family. We focus on highlighting students’ individuality and outstanding character, allowing them to fully showcase their unique charm. Our goal is to help them achieve their dream of entering their desired university. Success is not far away; with Ace Education, we help you surpass your dreams!

Want to register or have questions?

Call us at 201-585-0900