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Ace Education 2023 Admissions Report

Time always passes quickly without leaving a trace, and the high school graduates of 2023 have embarked on a new journey. We wish all our students a smooth transition to university, the enjoyment of wonderful college days, and the creation of a magnificent chapter of youth.

Congratulations Class of 2023 admitted Students

Johns Hopkins1
Wash U in St. Louis1
UC Berkeley2
University of Michigan2
Carnegie Melon University1
New York University3
Wellesley College2

01. 2023 College Admissions

Harvard University

US News (2024 Edition)

Acceptance Rate
2022 Fall Undergrad Enrollment

























Johns Hopkings












U Chicago



UC Berkeley















U Mich – Ann Arbor






Carnegie Mellon






Wash U – St. Louis









02. Admissions Scarcity

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

To maintain their high-quality elite education, top American universities have relatively small enrollments. For instance, Harvard University only admits about 1 out of 500 high school graduates each year. When you consider the total number of students admitted by the top 20 ranked schools, excluding athletes, alumni, and faculty children, the available spots for regular students become even scarcer.

In recent years, in the University of California system, the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), among schools that have not used affirmative action in student admissions for many years, the percentage of Asian American students has reached nearly 40%. Even at top-tier universities, the proportion of Asian American students is increasing year by year, but the number of admissions remains a drop in the bucket compared to the total number of applicants, making the competition extremely fierce. Students and parents must fully understand the competitiveness of obtaining these scarce resources.

The following are 2022 Fall Undergraduate Statistics for Class of 2026

College Enrollment Asian American Students First Generation Students
Princeton 1,500 25% 17%
Harvard 1,665 27.60% 19.40%
MIT 1,136 35% 18%
Stanford 1,736 29% 21%
Yale 1,557 27% 18%
Columbia 1,440 30% 19%
Johns Hopkins 1,586 30% 19%
Duke 1,738 32% 10%
Caltech 263 37% N/A
U Penn 2,409 27.50% 18%
Brown 1,719 15.80% 15%
Dartmouth 1,125 22% 16%
Cornell 3,514 23.230% 18.50%
Northwestern 2,039 26.90% 15.3%
UC Berkeley 6,750 40% 26%
UCLA 6,462 38% 27%

The proportion of Asians admitted to Princeton in the fall of 2023 continues to increase to 26%

Admission competition at the most popular universities in the United States remains intense, with many schools receiving a record number of applicants for the Class of 2027, including early applicants (EA/ED). Due to the expanding applicant pool, the competitiveness and unpredictability of the university admissions process became even more pronounced in 2023. Universities continue to enlarge their waitlists to maintain a higher yield rate.

For the 2022-2023 academic year, the average admission rate for the top 20 ranked universities in the United States was 6.52%, with an enrollment rate of 60.06%. A total of 982,505 people applied, 64,018 were admitted, and 38,449 students ultimately entered the top 20 universities in the United States. Harvard University had an admission rate of 3.14%, and the California Institute of Technology had a slightly higher than 3% admission rate, making them the two schools with the lowest admission rates.

Compared to students of other ethnicities, Chinese students often excel in GPA and SAT/AP scores but may lack diversity in other areas. This is one of the primary reasons why Chinese students may face challenges in gaining admission to top American universities. Traditional Chinese thinking often emphasizes diligence, modesty, and letting achievements speak for themselves. However, students developed under this mindset may not meet the criteria that top American universities seek. They are looking for individuals who care about others, contribute to their community, influence others, take initiative, and demonstrate leadership qualities. Students with these exceptional character traits are more likely to succeed in future career competition.

To secure a spot at one of the few available seats in top American universities, it’s crucial to understand the admission rules. Beyond impressive GPAs and SAT/AP scores, you should carefully consider high school course selection, college selection and major choice, essay composition, and more. Failure to comprehend the harsh competitiveness of admissions, overconfidence, or a blind rush can lead to application failures.

The Ace Education College Admissions Counseling program is tailored to each student based on their interests and backgrounds. We focus on one-on-one communication with parents and students while respecting their final choices. We provide high-quality, personalized guidance for college admissions.

Dr. Sun, our program director and coach, has in-depth knowledge of the admission process and the unique characteristics of various top American universities. With rich practical experience, he offers diligent guidance, yielding significant results. He excels in guiding students in early education planning and application strategy design, taking into account their majors and the characteristics of their chosen universities. Dr. Sun fosters problem-solving abilities, personalizes students’ exceptional qualities, and helps numerous students enter top American universities, receiving wide acclaim from students and parents.

03. Affirmative Action

Affirmative Action Ruled Unconstitutional

On June 29 of this year, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled by a vote of 6-3 that the admissions policies at Harvard University and the University of North Carolina, which considered racial factors, were unconstitutional.

Organizations advocating for the abolition of affirmative action in college admissions argue that, although Asian-American students are considered a minority, they are less favored than African-American and Hispanic students in the admissions policies of many elite universities. This puts Asian-American students, who should be protected by affirmative action, at a disadvantage in the admissions process. While many Chinese media and non-professionals believed that Harvard’s defeat in this case would bring hope for Chinese students in admissions, it is not the case.

In fact, even though this affirmative action was overturned in higher education, elite schools are still committed to promoting diversity.

President Biden, on the day of the Supreme Court’s ruling on June 29, spoke at the White House, stating, “The Court has effectively ended affirmative action in college admissions. However, I strongly disagree with the Court’s decision. Many wrongly believe that affirmative action allows unqualified students to be admitted ahead of qualified students. This is not how college admissions work. Instead, colleges set admission standards that every student must meet. After that, they select from applicants who meet those standards, weighing various factors, including race.”

“I have always believed that one of America’s greatest strengths is our diversity. I firmly believe that America’s promise is strong enough to ensure success for everyone, and every generation of Americans will open the door a little wider to benefit those who have been left behind. While talent, creativity, and hard work are found everywhere in this country, opportunities are not equal. In this country, opportunity is not everywhere. Although the Court can make a decision, it cannot change America’s values.”

In recent years, elite schools have been making efforts to reduce disparities between social classes, allowing outstanding students from low-income families of various ethnicities to enter elite universities and bridge the gap between classes. This is well-reflected in the admission data since the outbreak of the pandemic in recent years.

In the 2024 fall admissions applications, many universities have made significant adjustments to their supplemental essay prompts, deviating from their long-standing formats. They now require students to reflect on their identities, communities, and how they can contribute to a diverse campus.

Here are the essay prompts for Harvard University’s 2023-2024 application season:

  • Harvard has long recognized the importance of enrolling a diverse student body. How will the life experiences that shape who you are today enable you to contribute to Harvard?* (200 words)
  • Briefly describe an intellectual experience that was important to you.* (200 words)
  • Briefly describe any of your extracurricular activities, employment experience, travel, or family responsibilities that have shaped who you are.* (200 words)
  • How do you hope to use your Harvard education in the future?* (200 words)
  • Top 3 things your roommates might like to know about you.* (200 words)
Columbia University
Cornell University

4. 2024 College Rankings

The latest 2024 Edition of the U.S. News college rankings has seen some changes in the top universities. While the top of the rankings remains relatively stable, many public universities have made significant advancements, with some previously highly-ranked private schools dropping significantly. However, this doesn’t imply a decrease in the difficulty of admissions to these prestigious institutions. Universities that experienced significant ranking changes, such as NYU, Wake Forest University, Boston College, Tufts University, William and Mary University, Northeastern University, Rochester University, and many others, will not substantially alter their admission and application standards based on a single year’s ranking change. When considering your college choices, it’s essential to look at the rankings from previous years to determine your application strategy.
Screen Shot 2023-10-28 at 10.11.44 AM
University of Pennsylvania

The Ace Education College Admissions Counseling program is open to students in grades 9-12 and provides one-on-one admissions counseling for students aspiring to attend top American universities. Our counselors excel at identifying each student’s unique potential, offering valuable insights into essay writing, and leveraging years of editing experience to help students showcase their individuality and talent, significantly increasing their chances of admission to top schools.

5. Testimonials

"Mr. Sun was helpful throughout the entirety of my application journey. Starting from the very first meeting, he communicated the ins and outs of college application very clearly, and it was evident that he had plentiful experience. Working with him was very easy, and scheduling was flexible as he was always able to accommodate to my time changes. Each meeting we had was productive and insightful, and he incorporated the right amount of his own suggestions, past examples, and other resources. Many thanks to Mr. Sun and Mrs. Liu for all of their help!"
Princeton University

Under the expert guidance of Dr. Sun, K.S. received admission offers from Princeton and UPenn, becoming the first student from his school to gain admission to these prestigious universities.

" Dr. Sun was extremely important in my college application journey. Prior to accepting his guidance, I only thought that I could get into Tier 2 schools, but he motivated me to apply to Ivy Leagues. As I continued writing my essays, he aided me in staying on track and applying to as many schools as I could in that time. Before starting to write, we would sit down to brainstorm ideas for my Common App Personal Essay and other supplements unique to colleges. With the help and encouragement from Dr. Sun, I was finally able to refine my writing and the messages are more efficiently delivered. Dr. Sun’s motivation, guidance and encouragement are pivotal and greatly alleviate the stress of my college application, Thank you very much Dr. Sun!"
"We sincerely thank Dr. Sun and Michelle for their meticulous guidance and assistance throughout this journey. Their extensive experience and dedication are evident. What I would like to emphasize is that, apart from achieving admission to the desired school, our child has gained something even more valuable during this process – a precious period of personal growth. Our child initially didn't seriously consider attempting to get into high-achieving schools, but gradually, they found the courage to challenge themselves. Along the way, the teachers' encouragement and guidance were indispensable. Sometimes, when our child was under significant stress and got stuck, a few words from Dr. Sun had a magical effect, helping the child regain their composure and motivation to keep striving. Our child also knows that, no matter the stage of the university application process, Dr. Sun is always willing to devote valuable time and energy, tirelessly assisting and supporting her. Dr. Sun not only served as a heroic figure in the field of college counseling but also imparted to our child the right attitude toward learning and essential life lessons. In summary, both the child and the parents have benefited immensely! Thank you, Dr. Sun, and thank you, Michelle!"

"Dr. Sun and Michelle were instrumental in my daughter’s college application process. The entire journey can be extremely daunting and requires multifaceted considerations and strategic focus. Dr. Sun expertly guided our attention to the areas that could accentuate Charlotte's academic standing and extracurricular achievements, reducing the burden of the application process and making it easier. Furthermore, Dr. Sun's continual support and encouragement not only reflects his professionalism but his genuine care for the applicants. We are thrilled to have availed of his services."
Parent Testimonial, CT

Ace Education’s Prestigious College Admissions Counseling Program is now open for enrollment for students in grades 9-12. We provide one-on-one guidance for ambitious students who aspire to enter top-tier American universities. Our experienced instructors excel in discovering the unique potential of each student, offering personalized insights and leveraging years of essay writing expertise to help students showcase their individuality and talent during the application process. This significantly enhances the likelihood of students being admitted to elite institutions. We welcome parents who are interested to get in touch with us.

Want to register or have questions?

Call us at 201-585-0900